Chat log started at 6.3.2007 / 01:00:14

'Marc' connected
'Marc' identified as 'Oddvar'
'Marc' disconnected
'Donna' connected
'Marc' connected
'Elf' connected
'Marc' identified as 'Oddvar'
'Elf' identified as 'Kenneth'
Oddvar: hi
Kenneth: Howdy!
Oddvar: You ever play this game before?
Kenneth: One session and it was 4th Ed.
Oddvar: i'm completely new to this one read through the book some though
Kenneth: Well you know more than I do then... It has been over a year since I played that session
Oddvar: from the sound of things, theres lots of newbies here :)
Kenneth: Great! We can all learn together... I hope Oberreton has patience :)
'Richardv' connected
GM: Hola.
Oddvar: Heya
GM: Welcome and I hope that I will SEEM more awake than I am. :)
Calisto (GM): 03:Am here...
Oddvar: can only hope :)
'Richardv' identified as 'Hans'
Hans: Morning!
Oddvar: greetings
GM: VERY early such. :)
GM: Salve
Hans: :)
Hans: Wasn't sure which example character to pick
Kenneth: Howdy!
GM: The examples are just there so I can share them... Each to demonstrate some classic forms and mechanics. :)
GM: So... We are just waiting for Elf then?
Kenneth: Ahh The character I enteres is a 4th ed. I am sure it needs tweaking
Hans: Donna is on her wayin
Elf (Kenneth): I am here
Oddvar: ah so you must be rich then
GM: Ah. :) As I said.. Was kinda hoping to SEEM more awake.. ;)
Hans: :)
Richardv (Hans): Yep!
Marc (Oddvar): Hi, i'm marc
Hans: Hi Marc! Glad to 'meet' you.
Richardv (Hans): hang on, have to go beat some kids
Elf (Kenneth): Hi all, glad to type at you all!
Marc (Oddvar): have fun
Kenneth: Just not too badly jail can be a downer...
Elf (Kenneth): So are we talking teens (God help you) or just youngsters..
'Donna' disconnected
'Donna' connected
Elf (Kenneth): oops we lost someone...
Richardv (Hans): sigh. Been a busy night. Just got home from Dr. Appt and kids archery class. Trying to wolf down dinner now.
'Donna' identified as 'Marit'
Marc (Oddvar): hello
Marit: sorry - didn't realize it would take so long to download
GM: Good evening. :)
Kenneth: Wish my folks had let me do archery instead o boxing :(
GM: Not to worry. :)
Elf (Kenneth): Greetings!
Hans: Thats cuz you have that slow Pacfic Coast speed.
GM: And that is probably my fault. I haven't been very good at optimizing file-size.
Hans: Well, kid is only 8. Little early for boxing. :)
Hans: He did take a couple of karate classes.
Oddvar: never too early to learn to kick ass
Oddvar: :)
Marit: you're never too young to smack people around
Marit: hey
Kenneth: Hmm they let me do judo..
Hans: Heh
Marit: can you tell we're related? :)
Hans: Hmm, ice cream for dinner
Kenneth: I can see the resemblance... ;)
GM: And here I just sit and feel like Bloefield... *scritches the cat*
GM: Soo... Everyone is here?
Hans: Yep!
Oddvar: all i know is that i'm here
Marit: this is Donna from the forums
Marit: Oddvar is my son
Oddvar: who for some reason couldn't post on the forums
GM: A pleasure to have you all here :)
Kenneth: I think that was all... Donna, Rich, Elf and Donna's son
Oddvar: don't ask me why
Hans: you're going to have to figure that out I think
GM: Oh and before we begin? We'll have to do some work on the play-time...
GM: ... because as I have mentioned before, for me this is 03:am... and while that works when I have a day off from work it'll be kinda rough if I have been at work.
Hans: Oh! I thought this was going to be 7 am for you. :(
GM: I blame my own crappy math-skills. :)
GM: I *CAN* do 05 am.
Hans: Hah. I hope you make those errors in our favor when we roll dice.
GM: ... would that be a suitable compromise for everyone?
Oddvar: works for me
Kenneth: Works for me
Marit: that's getting too late to start anything for me
Marit: well unless we do short sessions
Kenneth: How short?
Marit: 2-3 hours
Marit: is that short?
GM: I think that might work since we are going to use FG mostly to resolve things that need the dice?
Kenneth: Only 1 -2 hours shorter than most sessions I have played in...
Marit: ok
GM: And I think you will see that this is a very fast system as such. :)
Marit: i have to wake up early
Kenneth: You mean using a forum... The FG Xrumer thread?
GM: Yeah... Might be time to change it's name though.
Marit: i was thinking the same :)
GM: Or we COULD create a Yahoo/Google group and take it by E-mail?
Hans: By post or email is fine.
Oddvar: either is fine by me
Kenneth: Sounds like it will work, the forum neds a new name for sure. Email or forum also works for me.
Marit: same
Marit: email preferred but don't really care
GM: Okay, then I will create an E-mail list in the morning and post it's location in a new Thread.
Kenneth: Cool
GM: So.... Lets get started on the basic mechanics :)
GM: First I think is the Wild-Die.
GM: Basically a D10 that if you roll a 1, you re-roll and double the result.
GM: IE, a one and a five = 2 * 5, a 0ne, a one and a five is 4 * 5
GM: On a zero/ten you have a botch-risk.
GM: The books handle this by rolling more D10s and checking for zeroes...
GM: ... but as a house-rule I go with "roll again and substract, if you roll a second zero, double and keep substracting."
GM: IE first Zero = Roll again and substract the result, two zeroes, roll again and substract double the result.
Donna (Marit): what are you subtracting from?
GM: If a roll (Skill+Stat) goes into negative numbers it is a botch.
Marit: oh ok
Hans: Your other numbers... um... yeah Skill +stat
Hans: basic roll = skill + stat + 1d10 trying to get greater then some number
Hans: Thats about as far as I got in the book. :)
GM: Per example, if you are looking for something you'd roll Perception + Awareness.
GM: Plus 1d10.
Kenneth: Oh I get it!
Marit: doh - all my stuff i had on my character sheet is gone
Richardv (Hans): mine too. He probably needs to copy it over.
Marit: and now it just flipped to "example one"
Calisto (GM): Agh... First time I see that bug on FG 1.5
Calisto (GM): Yeah.., I shared Example One.
Marit: oh ok :)
Marit: carry on :)
GM: As for characters... I am afraid that my old computer has died.
Hans: Oh no!
Elf (Kenneth): Arghh I hate that!
Elf (Kenneth): It has happened to me...
Calisto (GM): I will try to recover as much as possible from it, but since it was the HD that went wahooney shaped to borrow a Discworldism... I have little hope.
Hans: Diskworld... Terry Prachet reader?
GM: Avid such. :)
Hans: Heh. I love his books. But we digress.
Hans: Perception +2, Awareness +4 [1d10+6 = 8]
GM: Either way... Examplpe one is the classic Grog, a guardsman.
GM: As said before the mechanics are pretty simple, a skill plus a stat + 1wildDie.
GM: All put up against basic difficulties.
Kenneth: Ahh target numbers
Kenneth: So to dodge an arrow at sat extreme [1d10+7 = 9]
GM: Lets say that our poor example guardsman is about to get sneaked up upon...
GM: Nah, dodging missiles is a halved roll of Dex + Athletics
Calisto (GM): Hence... I strongly recomend the Athletics skill for anyone who does not want to play a pincussion.
Calisto (GM): It is what is used for dodging. Also to simplify, I have only one skill for close combat, Melee.
Marc (Oddvar): damn that means I have to redistribute some xp
GM: But lets say that ... Yeah, our poor example gets to be fired upon by his identical twin.. :)
Elf (Kenneth): So do I..
GM: Archery +3, Perception +2 [1d10+5 = 11]
GM: Archery +3, Perception +2 [11]
Hans: evil twin!
Calisto (GM): Die as a Six. (And do I EVER hate that I can't show the rolls automatically)
Kenneth: Not d10?
Hans: 'die as a six'?
Marit: was a six
Oddvar: rolled a six
Hans: oh!
Kenneth: Oh!
Hans: jinx!
'Oberoten' connected
Hans: so that would hit at close range?
'Oberoten' identified as 'ExampleOne'
Marit: you can't jinx on just saying "oh"
Hans: >I< can. :P :P
ExampleOne: On short range he'd have a hit, yes.
Kenneth: I don't need any help with jinxes....
ExampleOne: ... With 3 in diff. :) IE 9 in TargetValue... And 11 rolled.
ExampleOne: Now the Diff is important because it is your damage-roll.
Oberoten (ExampleOne): If you click on the little sword-icon on top, you will find the combat page...
Hans: 3 in diff?
Oberoten (ExampleOne): ... listing the stats for a shortbow..
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Diff is how much you beat the target with.
Oberoten (ExampleOne): It is added to the weapon damage.
Marit: that's cool
Kenneth: So 3 damage in this case?
Kenneth: make that 8
Hans: target was... easy or close?
Marit: and doesn't the target get a chance to dodge or parry or block?
Oddvar: short range
Oberoten (ExampleOne): So a basic shortbow gives 5 damage + 3... 8 Damage on short range. If it had been on close range it would have been 11.
Oberoten (ExampleOne): We are coming to dodge etc. :)
Hans: Just one sec...
Hans: pls
Hans: target was 9 and we rolled an 11 right?
Hans: isn't that +2?
Oberoten (ExampleOne): *grins sheepishly* It is 03am? :)
Oddvar: you were the one saying you wanted good mistakes with the rolls
Kenneth: Math goofs are allowed at that hour...
Oddvar: :)
Oberoten (ExampleOne): But that is correct, 2 diff, not three. :)
Hans: Heh. Ok, just making sure. :)
Hans: carry on.
Marit: i'm all for the extra +1 as long as our enemies don't get it too
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Now... This IS assuming that he has noticed the attack, we are pretty sure that our poor guard here would like very much to NOT get hit..
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Quickness is reflexes and as such are added to Athletics for dodging...
ExampleOne: Athletics +5, Quickness 0 [1d10+5 = 6]
ExampleOne: [1d10 = 7]
ExampleOne: A one... And a seven : 14 + 5
ExampleOne: And since this is a missile we halve that, for 9
ExampleOne: ... a pretty clear miss.
Oddvar: not to be a pain in the ass, but since he spec in dodge, doesn't he get +6 for athletics?
Marit: what are you comparing his roll to, to see if he succeeded?
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Yes and once again, I was going over the basics first, specialization comes later. :)
Oddvar: oh k sorry
ExampleOne: Marit : Only the attackroll.
Hans: 9 vs 11?
Kenneth: But the roll was 11
Hans: I think he means he missed the dodge?
Kenneth: Oh miss as in did not dodge?
Marit: so he got hit with the arrow right?
Kenneth: jinx
Hans: heh
Marit: that wasn't a jinx either - sheesh you guys
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Wait... Lemme get my bearings. Is all clear an in Swedish here in my head. ;)(
Hans: Ok, take your time. You have all night. :)
ExampleOne: Attack-roll minus the range modifier. Basically a dodge is done against the Diff.
ExampleOne: There. THAT works. ;)
Marit: not for me
Kenneth: So the arrow missed therfore
Marit: did the arrow hit or miss?
Hans: So dodge was a 9 and short range a 9 so result is 0?
ExampleOne: For close combat it is defece-roll vs attackroll directly.
Marit: oh ok
Oberoten (ExampleOne): That was a really GOOD dodge...So yes it was a miss.
Kenneth: Attack roll was 11 range mod 9
Oddvar: if i understand correctly its attack roll - ranges
Hans: so to dodge he needs a 9 or better.
Kenneth: 2 vs 9 superb dodge
Oberoten (ExampleOne): In Ranged combat it is Attack roll vs Halved Defence+Range.
Oddvar: so compare the 9 for dodge to 2 for attack
Hans: oh! He has to beat the diff.
ExampleOne: Odd : Exactly.
Hans: ok
Marit: ok
ExampleOne: Lets say it had been the other way around...
ExampleOne: Archery 3 + Perception 2 + the roll of 14... 19 total as attack. 10 in Diff.
Hans: ok
Oddvar: ouch
ExampleOne: And a dodge roll of : Qui 0, Athletics 5 + Roll of 6 = 11 halved to 6
ExampleOne: .... 4 Diff left to add to basic damage.
Kenneth: Wammo 15 damage ...
Marit: or 9?
Kenneth: Ohh so 11 damge?
ExampleOne: 5 + 4 = 9 Damage.
Kenneth: Got it!
ExampleOne: So... this naturally brings us to wounds. :)
Hans: and armor
ExampleOne: Wound are inflicted by damage Minus soak. Soak is Stamina + Armour.
ExampleOne: The unfortunate guardsman here has 2 stamina... Taking only seven points after soak.
Hans: no armor?
ExampleOne: This is divided by 5 to get a wound-level
Elf (Kenneth): Question standard rounding rules?
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Nope... No armour, then again a shortbow isn't such a dangerous weapon. If it had been a crossbow...
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Round up.
Kenneth: so 2 wounds then
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Every five full gives a wound...
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Sorry Round down. (Haven't had to go over the rules with new players in a LOOOONG time I am afraid. ;) So it is a bit muddled on how to tell. :) ))
Hans: no worries
ExampleOne: ... So he'd get the first wound-level which is a Light Wound.
Kenneth: That sounds like round down... 7/5 = 1.4
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Each light Wound gives -1 to all actions... Including soak.
Marit: 7/5=1
Oberoten (ExampleOne): A medium wound gives -3 to all rolls and totals.. And a heavy Wound a devastating -5
Kenneth: Got it... just confused on terminology so 4 damage after souk would be 0 wounds?
Oddvar: i'm looking at the damage tables and it looks more like you round up
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Odd : Trust me, it is pretty deadly anyway. You will thank me for it in the long run.
Oddvar: ok
Marit: is there a minimum of 1 then?
Marit: if it's less than 5
ExampleOne: No, if you do less than 5 damage there is no real damage, just a bit of impact.
Marit: ok
Kenneth: Ok
ExampleOne: Bruises and the like.
Oberoten (ExampleOne): We do this to avoid "Death By papercuts" :)
Hans: 2 lights = 1 med ?
Marit: it's just a scratch!
Oddvar: i've had worse
Kenneth: ya beat me to my question
ExampleOne: No, you can have a lot of light wounds... But each of them gives you -1 to all totals.
Hans: Ahh, ok.
ExampleOne: So you get nastier wounds rather automatically.
Kenneth: so two light wounds is -1 or -2
Hans: -2
ExampleOne: Two light wounds is -1 * 2 = -2
Marit: will we be able to enter those in these boxes on our char sheet? :)
Kenneth: That's what I was afraid...
Kenneth: of
ExampleOne: It will be made so, yes. I will try to complete that tomorrow too unless work drains me completely. :)
Marit: no rush
Hans: too much snow mobile at high speeds? :)
Marit: that's what you do at work?
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Nah, tomorrow is all hospital and physical training for the client.
Oberoten (ExampleOne): I am a private nurse actually.
Hans: Yeah. but he had a funny story about a snow mobile. I chuckled over that one for a while.
Oberoten (ExampleOne): But there has been some... fun days to say the least. The client is very very active and that means Ihave gone with him out hunting per example. :)
Hans: Ok, carry on.
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Now, if our poor unfortunate fellow here had been hit instead by a heavy crossbow...
ExampleOne: ... he would have been : A : On close range. Giving a Diff of 5 instead of 2...
Oberoten (ExampleOne): ... and hit by a base-damage of 11. For a toal of 16... 14 Damage = Medium wound.
Hans: How many hits can you take?
ExampleOne: A WoundLevel of four is Incapacitating, A wound level of five leaves one dead.
Kenneth: Do the number of lesser wounds ever bump you to a higher (worse) wound rating?
ExampleOne: *grins and notes that quite a few Ignem Spells deliver more than 30 damage*
ExampleOne: Ken : No, the DO however lower your resistance to further wounds as well as your defence totals.
Kenneth: Ahh oK thus the pin cushion reference...
ExampleOne: And they also tend to get BAD if you have lots of them... I have had players die from infected light wounds. :)
ExampleOne: .. I shouldn't be smiling when saying things like that?
Kenneth: So a good healer is essential
ExampleOne: A good healer/surgeon might be rather handy to say the least.
Kenneth: Nahh I Smile all the time as a DM when I say things like that and laugh eveilly
Oddvar: maybe we should invent penicillin
ExampleOne: So... Any questions on the wound/damage/combat part?
Kenneth: No... I thnik I got it
Hans: It will take a little while to get used to, but I think I have the basics
Kenneth: got my typing horrible today
Marit: i'm assuming it's turn-based?
Marit: but how do the turns work
Hans: Well, it IS 3 in the morning. :)
ExampleOne: We can run it either turn based or ticks... Might be easier to work with turns for starters though.
ExampleOne: Basically a turn is ~5 seconds
ExampleOne: ... One free attack one defence / round penatlies for doing more at the same time.
Hans: nice
Hans: Ok. Magic!
ExampleOne: I was thinking a few more lines about skills first. :)
Oddvar: i'm not a frog and your not a rabbit so lets not jump ahead :)
ExampleOne: Okay. Now we come to skills and specializations.
Hans: bah. :)
Oddvar: i communicate through movie quotes :)
Marit: i was wondering where you got that from
Hans: Heh. You would fit in well with our group.
Oddvar: Four Rooms
ExampleOne: The one thing to mention IS just the specializations, where you get +1 for a proper specialization on a skill.
Marit: i should watch that again
Marit: proper?
ExampleOne: ... And of course thee is Confidence, you can "gamble" your confidence on a roll.
Hans: hmmm?
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Mari : Ah... As in when your specialization applies. Our poor guardsman gets an exta +1 for Stealth at night.
Marit: oh i see
Oberoten (ExampleOne): Possibly froom years of sleeping at his post.
Hans: lol
Oddvar: heh
Kenneth: lol
Hans: jinx!
Marit: these guys can't even figure out how to play jinx
Hans: (I just did that one to annoy Donna)
Kenneth: now was that a proper jinx? ohh Thanks Marit
ExampleOne: Back to Confidence then : Each point of Confidence gives +1 to a roll, if you suceed you keep your confidence, if you fail the roll despite confidence, you loose a point of confidence.
Hans: Where is confidence?
Kenneth: ahh How do you recover confidence or increase it?
ExampleOne: Confidence is Top-Right of the char-sheet.
Hans: I see it!
Marit: do you lose all the confidence you gambled or just 1 point?
Hans: Guardman has a 3
Oberoten (ExampleOne): 1 Point each failure.
Marit: i'd always gamble the maximum then
ExampleOne: You gain max confidence by great deeds that'll really change your own situation for the better...
ExampleOne: ... like moving from beggar to merchant etc. Likewise moving from merchant to begger would probably lose you quite a bit of max confidence.:)
Kenneth: Oh OK sort of your self image and worth, as it gets better you get more confident?
ExampleOne: Recovery of current confidence is slow, 1 point a week, or with exceptional sucesses.
ExampleOne: Kenn : Bingo. :)That is exactly what it is.
Kenneth: ohh That is not so good...
Marit: better than nothing
Kenneth: true...
ExampleOne: Managing to protect your loved ones from a threat will likely manage to bring it back up too... Or suceeding in a situation like the one you last lost confidence in.
ExampleOne: AkA the "Ahh... Only a fluke" rule. :)
ExampleOne: One last note about skills... WHICH stat is applied is pretty fluid.
ExampleOne: Athletics would use Dexterity for standing on your hands, Quickness to dodge...
ExampleOne: ... Stamina for running a long stretch etc.
ExampleOne: And now... I think we might be ready to move on to magic if there is no further questions?
Marit: i'm good
Hans: BOOM!
Oddvar: boom indeed
'Oberoten' disconnected
'Oberoten' connected
'Oberoten' identified as 'ExampleThree'
ExampleThree: Third icon atop the charsheet is the Magic-Page.
ExampleThree: All magic in ArsMagica is a combination by at the least two of fifteen skills also known as arts.
ExampleThree: Creo : Which deals with Creation, Intelligo : Which deals with Intelligentia or Knowledge and perception, Muto which changes the properties of things...
ExampleThree: ... Perdo which destroys and corrupts and finally Rego which is the art of controling, moving manipulating something.
ExampleThree: These five are called Techniques.
ExampleThree: The other ten are Forms, describing an area of influence.
ExampleThree: Animal, Aquam = Water, Auram = Air, Corpus = Human Body, Herbam = Flora, Ignem = FIRE, light, heat Imagonem = Illusions, Mentem = Mind, Terram Earth, metals, and finally Vim which is the raw energy of magic
ExampleThree: So ... For the aprentice here to set our dear friend the guardsman on fire...
ExampleThree: He'd use Creo + Ignem
ExampleThree: "Create Fire"
ExampleThree: Any questions so far?
Kenneth: nope
ExampleThree: The grid on top of the page gives casting-totals for a tech + form.
Hans: nope
ExampleThree: For spells you use this + Stamina + 1d10 versus the spells level to see if you suceed.
ExampleThree: Pilum of Fire CrIg : Lev 25 : CT [1d10+16 = 19]
ExampleThree: Pilum of Fire CrIg : Lev 25 : CT [19]
ExampleThree: A spell cast but failing to reach the level can still work... if it is within 10 steps of the wanted level.
Hans: That 16 is from +2 stamina and +14 from creo and Ignem?
Oberoten (ExampleThree): But this then costs the magus fatigue.
Oberoten (ExampleThree): Yuppz.
Kenneth: Let me guess divide by 5 to determine fatigue level?
Kenneth: in this case 1
Oberoten (ExampleThree): Yuppz. :) Exactly. A light fatigue level.
Kenneth: winded
Hans: ahhh
Marit: what are you dividing by 5?
Hans: 19-25
Kenneth: 25 - 19 = 6/5
Hans: I think?
ExampleThree: How much the aprentice failed the casting with.
Oberoten (ExampleThree): Yes.
Marit: ok - that's what i thought but making sure
Hans: sure you did
Kenneth: I assume wound levels and fatigue levels stack for skills and such
Marit: so no fatigue if you succeed?
Hans: :)
Oddvar: yeah shes alwasy trying to look smart
ExampleThree: No fatigue for sucess.
Hans: so you have the choice to take the fatigue or let the spell fail?
ExampleThree: A skilled magus might well stand and recast the same spell all day if he manages to avoid botching.
ExampleThree: Yes, you can also release beforehand..
ExampleThree: UNLESS you fail by more than 10...
ExampleThree: ... which is generally a BAD thing to do anyway. ;)
Hans: Ok, so the spell works with fatuige.
Kenneth: what happens at 10 or more?
Hans: Boom!
Marit: hehe
ExampleThree: A failure to get the spell off...
Kenneth: and fatigue
ExampleThree: ... but also still fatigue damage.
ExampleThree: If you move past incapacitated by fatigue, you take woundlevels instead.
Hans: ouch
ExampleThree: This is amazingly one of the few ways I am yet to see anyone manage to loose a character.
Marit: well once you pass out you can't cast any more spells right?
ExampleThree: True that.
Hans: I'm sure I'll manage.
Oddvar: maybe if your tenacious enough
ExampleThree: But then again. *grins at everyon* THIS time we have a Jinx
Kenneth: So if a character has winded 1 and medium 1 they would be at -4 for skills and such?
Hans: I'm good at doing things that haven't been done before.
ExampleThree: Ken : Yes. :)
Kenneth: double ouch
Marit: where was the jinx?
Hans: so what happens to the guard?
Hans: Him saying he hasn't seen it happen yet.
ExampleThree: Well, the aprentice gets the spell off... Base damage of 25...
ExampleThree: +3 to aiming rolls
Kenneth: aiming?
ExampleThree: Aiming a spell is done with the skill Finesse and the Stat Perception...
ExampleThree: ... This particular spell also gives a +3 to hit.
ExampleThree: All spells have a range and this anything within this is considered at close range.
ExampleThree: So Base diff is 6...
ExampleThree: Perception 0, Finesse +3, Confidence : +1 [1d10+7 = 8]
ExampleThree: [1d10 = 6]
Oddvar: ouch
ExampleThree: ... and things look GRIM for our poor wounded friend, yes?
Oddvar: so whos gonna perform cps on his charred remains?
Kenneth: let's see 19 - 6 = 13 +25 for 38 damage before dodge?
Oddvar: cpr
ExampleThree: ... that is 12 + 7 : 19 total -6 for close range.
Oddvar: anyone?
ExampleThree: 13 Diff...
GM: Luckily the poor guard has a spec in Dodge...
GM: (Dodge 5 +1 ), Qui 0 [1d10+6 = 11]
GM: (Dodge 5 +1 ), Qui 0 [11]
ExampleThree: (Dodge 5 +1 ), Qui 0 [5]
ExampleThree: And halved since it is a ranged attack...
ExampleThree: ... so his dodge spec helps him ... Bugger-all. ;)
ExampleThree: 25 + 8 diff left...
ExampleThree: 33 ... He passes by Dead and goes straight to Incinerated without collecting $4000
Kenneth: so 13 - soak of 2 = 11 + 25 = 36 = charred corpse
ExampleThree: His dodge actually decreases the Diff...
Kenneth: oops right dodge comes off diff what about soak?
ExampleThree: ... letting him roll (and fly, and tumble and bounce to a smoking standstill)
Hans: Boom!
ExampleThree: Ah... Soak is still deducted. ... bringing him a mere 31... Nope, still a charred corpse.
Oddvar: heh
ExampleThree: ... letting him roll (and fly, and tumble and bounce to a smoking standstill) with the blow
Kenneth: Pyro... Oddvar is
Oddvar: hmm?
Oddvar: you can't prove anything
Kenneth: Joda.... speech
Oddvar: :)
ExampleThree: Of course... A magus of a different strain might have had the earth under his feet explode to throw the poor guard over a few roofs instead...
ExampleThree: ... or yet another one might have encased him in a acid-sheathe...
ExampleThree: And this... is where spontaneous magic comes in.
Hans: ohhh. Ok
ExampleThree: AKA the "I don't have a spell, but I want THIS to happend..."
Kenneth: This if I remember is how you fatigue fast...
Oberoten (ExampleThree): VERY fast really.
ExampleThree: When using a spont you choose beforehand if you are willing to take the fatigue or not...
ExampleThree: If not, you do not roll the dice, and get only the castingtotal (Tech + Form + Int) / 5 as spell-level.
ExampleThree: AKA, our aprentice here can get off level 3 effects... Enough to light a candle by touch.
ExampleThree: This is the safe route. :)
ExampleThree: And then we have the not-so-safe-rout. :)
ExampleThree: You calculate the casting total the same way.. Tech+Form+Int + 1 WildDie.
ExampleThree: ... and then you halve it.
Kenneth: ouch....
ExampleThree: The magnitude of the full roll (Full roll / 5 ) is how much fatigue you take.
ExampleThree: IE for our friend the 'prentice here..
ExampleThree: He'd 16+1d10
Oddvar: wow
ExampleThree: ... And still only manage slightly more than his "safe-route"
Hans: 16?
ExampleThree: Casting Total Cr-Ig +14, Intelligence +3 [17]
ExampleThree: ... 17...
Hans: :)
ExampleThree: Counted on Int of 2+
Oberoten (ExampleThree): 17 - Sta 2...
ExampleThree: ... gives a heavy fatigue.
Hans: Casting Total Cr-Ig +14, Intelligence +3 [1d10+17 = 22]
Oberoten (ExampleThree): Of course when casting sponts you CAN limit your maximum effect.
Hans: Casting Total Cr-Ig +14, Intelligence +3 [22]
Hans: So level 11 and fatige of 2?
Oddvar: lvl 11 fatigue 4?
Hans: doh! Yeah
ExampleThree: Wait...
ExampleThree: Lemme rephrase that...
ExampleThree: First of all I should mention that the book handles this somewhat differently...
Marit: fatigue is off the diff right?
Kenneth: Not for a spont
ExampleThree: ... ther you have ONLY five fatigue. I prefer to handle it the same as the wounds... Makes more sense
ExampleThree: Fatigue for Spont is : Total of Tech + Form used (And you can set how much of them you wish to use maximum) Minus the dice.
ExampleThree: (Div by five as per usual)
ExampleThree: So on a good sucess... You CAN get it for free.
ExampleThree: But high sponts are draining and dangerous. And even a good way to kill your character.
ExampleThree: (( Roll a few zeroes and you can quickly come up to incap or dead on wounds)
Kenneth: You have seen a lot of those...
Marit: there are good and bad ways?
Kenneth: lol
ExampleThree: And then there are spectacular ways. :)
Oddvar: heh
Kenneth: botches...
ExampleThree: ... like sponting off firespells and botching and consuming yourself...
ExampleThree: ... seen that one twice. :)
Hans: i.e don't stand next to the fire wizards
Marit: my character uses fire magic...
ExampleThree: Very Wheel of Time. :)
Oddvar: :)
Hans moves away from Marit
Oddvar: maybe we should take her down before she kills us all :)
Kenneth: Ken moves away from Oddvar and Marit
ExampleThree: I should mention that one of those rolls...
Marit: oddvar is a companion i think
ExampleThree: ... ended up a negative 130...
Marit: whoa
Oddvar: thats a lot of botches
Marit: that was the spectacular one
ExampleThree: ... the zeroes kept coming in...
Kenneth: yeah... he difinitely got on wrong side of murphy...
ExampleThree: And Zeigner made a crater of the townhouse... and then the lava started pouring out.
Hans: heh
Oberoten (ExampleThree): And while historically there never WAS a volcanic eruption in what is today middle Sussex...
Oddvar: ok don't stand within a mile of the fire mage
Kenneth: as Tinker gnomes would say "oops"
Marit: awww i'm lonely now :(
ExampleThree: oopsthatwasbadeveryonepleasestandback?
Kenneth: exactly!
ExampleThree: Krynnish...
ExampleThree: ... one of these days I will have to run a DragonLance campaign.
Hans: Thats our secret plan. Send in the fire mage and stand back.
Marit: do the personality stats do anything?
Hans: And hope she botches a spell. :)
Oddvar: : )
Marit: you better start running
Hans: I get to be the kender!
ExampleThree: Yes, the personality traits helps you with decisions every now and then. Like per example when rolling to see who stands their ground when Marit explodes...
Oddvar: heh
ExampleThree: ... the puur guard would (he has no choice since he is allready dead) but before that he had brave as a personality trait...
ExampleThree: ... wich would have added to his roll to stay and help.
Oddvar: i'm reckless that would probably have helped too
ExampleThree: ( And this is where the Willpower stat comes in. )
Hans: Stay and get burnt to a crisp!
ExampleThree: Reckles would work too yes.
Kenneth: Stop drop and roll.. Oh wait that's lava...
Kenneth: snap crackle pop
Marit: hehe
Hans: Stop, drop, roll and sink...
ExampleThree: Basically... if you can justify how a personality trait could help a mental process you will get the bonus for it.
Kenneth: OK...
Oddvar: do they stack if you can justify two?
ExampleThree: Well make it Justify and RP it. :)
ExampleThree: Occasionally, yes.
Hans: did you lose all the spells you had added to FG?
ExampleThree: Most of it is still on the old HD... I am kinda hoping to recover more.
Hans: good luck!
ExampleThree: Ah... One final thing about combat maybe.
ExampleThree: Armour and weapons.
ExampleThree: Weapons give not only damage, but also a bonus to Attackrolls and Defencerolls according to their type.
ExampleThree: Armour on the other hand gives a bonus to soak...
Hans: Does armor effect spell casting?
Marit: where is armor on our sheets?
ExampleThree: Not there yet.
ExampleThree: Supposed to go over the Lionardo Ventrucian
ExampleThree: Armour only affects spellcasting by encumbrance.
ExampleThree: So while the mage in the Gothic plate might look silly, he'd be quite safe as long as he stuck to spells that he had mastered well. :)
Hans: how does enc effect casting?
ExampleThree: Encumbrance gives general minuses, affecting all totals that require movement.
ExampleThree: ... I am not entirely fresh on the rules for strength and encumbrance.
ExampleThree: But I think there is a load-value to most objects in the book...
Hans: ok
ExampleThree: ... and if it exceeds your strength you get a penalty for each multiple or something like that.
Kenneth: What happens if you have a negative strength?
GM: You get encumbered a lot quicker.
GM: But I think each strength has a value listed on how much you can carry.
Oddvar: encumbrance explained on page 178
GM: Odd : Go for it. :)
Kenneth: Definitely need to retool Kenneth...
Oddvar: you add up the load of everything your carrying to get a burden score
Oddvar: if your str is 0 or less your encumbrance = burden
Oddvar: otherwise encumbrance = burden - str
Kenneth: so if negative strength as long as you are not burdened you are OK
Marit: you're going to have some sort of burden if you are carrying anything i think
Kenneth: Just need Igor to carry things...
Oddvar: as long as your not carrying much your fine theres a chart here comparing load scores with burden score but i don't see any sort of patern to figure it out easily
ExampleThree: Either way is there any more questions?
Oddvar: but load 1 = burden one so if your carrying anything your gonna have some burden
Hans: Nope, that was a good first run though!
Kenneth: no... I don't think so... If I remember the complicated stuff was lab work and such...
Marit: was there something special about Will?
ExampleThree: Will is a house-rule.
Kenneth: oh yeah!
ExampleThree: I have chosen not to enforce it unless you want it?
ExampleThree: In which case I normally giver 01 statpoint extra to divide.
Kenneth: What is it?
Marit: when would it normally apply?
ExampleThree: In any situation with a temptation, to resist mental magic, addictions and the like.
Marit: ah - it's your will saving throw from d&d :)
ExampleThree: .... and I usually let people at death's door get a willpower roll to hold on.
Kenneth: How do you determine the score?
ExampleThree: Normally in Arm it is a zero, modified by your personality traits.
ExampleThree: If you choose that we should have it in this...
ExampleThree: ... you get an extra statpoint to divide between the now nine stats
ExampleThree: Oh...
Marit: i don't understand it well enough to decide if i'd want it in or out
ExampleThree: ... one more place we use it is when doing extreme efforts.
ExampleThree: IE trying to lift that boulder that is pinning your legs and your strength doesn't really seem enough? Maybe just ONE more step of strength might do it...
Kenneth: So how many stat points do we get to divide up? It was 7 in 4th ed. (before will)
ExampleThree: 7 as per standard I think, 8 if you choose to go with Will.
Kenneth: I think it adds a dramatic flair... If i understand how it works.
Marit: what is the benefit of NOT having the will stat?
Oddvar: it also give you one extra roll to screw up on
Oddvar: :)
ExampleThree: Nah, you still get the rolls..
ExampleThree: .,.. only you use Int instead.
Hans: Either way is fine with me.
Kenneth: Either way is OK with me as well
ExampleThree: (( Which doesn't make sense, I have met extremely low willpowered but SMART fellows... and also found that the dumber the guy the more stubbornly he will insist that he knows you when drunk. ;) ))
Oddvar: heh
Kenneth: lol
ExampleThree: Disadvantage would be one more stat to keep track of.
Marit: and put points into
Marit: we can leave it out
Oddvar: i'm fine either way
GM: 3 abstained, 1 nay.
GM: Then we run without it.
Hans: ok!
Marit: i win!
Oddvar: damn now shes gonna get all cocky
Hans: I'll beat it out of her on Thusday. :)
Oddvar: :)
Kenneth: So for your prize you get to try a level 45 spont CrIg
GM: Ah...
Marit: hhahaha
GM: ... Speaking of that...
Marit: what do i roll?
GM: ... one last point.
GM: The use of Vis...
Marit: [1d10+46 = 56]
GM: ... Vis is the raw stuff of magic, the very essence of..
Marit: doh!
Oddvar: ha
GM: ... *SHEEEEITE RUN she is gonna BLOW*
Calisto (GM): Roll again...
Marit: that was the perfect time to roll a 0 :)
Marit: [1d10 = 10]
Oddvar: HAH!
Calisto (GM): ... and again...
Marit: wow
Marit: [1d10 = 1]
Oddvar: damn!
GM: ... So 44 / 2 = 22 for effect... Damages : 48 / 5 = 9 ... Light, Med, Heavy, Incap, Light, Med, Heavy, Incap, Dead
Marit: so i'm dead
Calisto (GM): Just be glad you don't have the tech + form for it. ;)
Marit: hypothetically . . .
Marit: ok - vis
Marit: and then i need to go to bed
GM: Vis can be used to boos your rolls for magic...
GM: ... one "pawn" or unit of Vis gives +2 to the roll. (IE, reduces fatigue from sponts too)
GM: ... or can be used to make spells last longer or even become somewhat self-sustained.
GM: It can also be used in lab-work to learn the arts associated with it.
GM: Just as the techniques and forms vis comes in 15 flavours...
GM: ... one for each technique and form.
GM: And that... is pretty much it for tonight.
GM: ... We CAN take the same time next week
Hans: So exp 3 has 10 units of Creo vim?
GM: ?
Kenneth: OK great intro....
GM: Hans ?
Hans: How many pawns does exp 3 have of vis?
GM: Ken : Even if somewhat confused, eh? :)
GM: Exp 3?
Hans: example 3
Hans: sorry
Kenneth: yep, refreshed my memory a bit
GM: As a mere aprentice... Probably none.
GM: Might have a single pawn hidden somewhere.
GM: ... lets not even consider where.
GM: And with that lovely mental image I am heading back to bed. :)
Hans: Ok
Hans: Thanks for the time!
Oddvar: quick question what languages should my char speak?
GM: Great showing good folks.
Kenneth: ok sme time next week or new starting time...
GM: Ah... Latin is free for magi...
Oddvar: i companion
GM: ... and then you have the tongue of the are you grew up.
Hans: We are in Germany and came down from Sweden
Hans: Same time next week might be ok for me.
GM: Latin is the language of choice for educated people...
GM: ... french for those of a more romantic bent.
Oddvar: k i norwegian native and i have points in too others
Oddvar: two
Hans: Ok. Good night guys!!!
Marit: are we doing it two hours later?
GM: Nah, we can do same time then since I have the day after off.
Marit: ok
Marit: good night and thank you!
Hans: two hours later would be difficault for me.
Oddvar: good night everyone
GM: I'll even get to bed at a reasonable hour I hope.
Hans: Nite!
Kenneth: ok then Thanks Ober and nice meeting you all see ya next week!
GM: Godspeed folks.
'Donna' disconnected
Oddvar: cya next time
'Richardv' disconnected
'Oberoten' disconnected
'Elf' disconnected
'Marc' disconnected